Spring is right near on the horizon. I know many people are still in the grip of winter, especially here in California but spring is right around the corner. Time for packing with our goats. Goats are wonderful pack animals. Any goat as long as they are in good physcial shape can pack. I know there are a few quote goat experts that say you have to have a certain type of goat to pack but in my opinion that is not true. Any goat no matter what their size can wear a pack saddle. Having said that the pack saddle has to be the correct style and size for the goat.

We have several styles and sizes of pack saddles to fit any goat from Nigerian dwarf to the largest mixed dairy breed. This spring we are offering our adjustable pack saddle that moves inward and outward to create the best fit as well as a soft pack saddle that fits the smaller Nigerian dwarfs and also a slightly used oak cross buck saddle with brand new breast,girth, and breeching straps and new back pad and set of panniers. 

This spring give your goat a job and give packing a try . I think you'll have a great experience and quality time spent with your goat.